

By default, Redis will not evict persistent cache keys (those with a None timeout) when the maximum memory has been reached. The cache keys created by django-cachalot are persistent, so if Redis runs out of memory, django-cachalot and all other cache.set will raise ResponseError: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. because Redis is not allowed to delete persistent keys.

To avoid this, 2 solutions:

  • If you only store disposable data in Redis, you can change maxmemory-policy to allkeys-lru in your Redis configuration. Be aware that this setting is global; all your Redis databases will use it. If you don’t know what you’re doing, use the next solution or use another cache backend.
  • Increase maxmemory in your Redis configuration. You can start by setting it to a high value (for example half of your RAM) then decrease it by looking at the Redis database maximum size using redis-cli info memory.

For more information, read Using Redis as a LRU cache.


By default, memcached is configured for small servers. The maximum amount of memory used by memcached is 64 MB, and the maximum memory per cache key is 1 MB. This latter limit can lead to weird unhandled exceptions such as Error: error 37 from memcached_set: SUCCESS if you execute queries returning more than 1 MB of data.

To increase these limits, set the -I and -m arguments when starting memcached. If you use Ubuntu and installed the package, you can modify /etc/memcached.conf, add -I 10 on a newline to set the limit per cache key to 10 MB, and if you want increase the already existing -m 64 to something like -m 1000 to set the maximum cache size to 1 GB.


Locmem is a just a dict stored in a single Python process. It’s not shared between processes, so don’t use locmem with django-cachalot in a multi-processes project, if you use RQ or Celery for instance.


Filebased, a simple persistent cache implemented in Django, has a small bug (#25501): it cannot cache some objects, like psycopg2 ranges. If you use range fields from django.contrib.postgres and your Django version is affected by this bug, you need to add the tables using range fields to CACHALOT_UNCACHABLE_TABLES.


This database software already provides by default something like django-cachalot: MySQL query cache. Django-cachalot will slow down your queries if that query cache is enabled. If it’s not enabled, django-cachalot will make queries much faster. But you should probably better enable the query cache instead.

Raw SQL queries


Don’t worry if you don’t understand what follow. That probably means you don’t use raw queries, and therefore are not directly concerned by those potential issues.

By default, django-cachalot tries to invalidate its cache after a raw query. It detects if the raw query contains UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE, and then invalidates the tables contained in that query by comparing with models registered by Django.

This is quite robust, so if a query is not invalidated automatically by this system, please send a bug report. In the meantime, you can use the API to manually invalidate the tables where data has changed.

However, this simple system can be too efficient in some cases and lead to unwanted extra invalidations. In such cases, you may want to partially disable this behaviour by dynamically overriding settings to set CACHALOT_INVALIDATE_RAW to False. After that, use the API to manually invalidate the tables you modified.

Multiple servers clock synchronisation

Django-cachalot relies on the computer clock to handle invalidation. If you deploy the same Django project on multiple machines, but with a centralised cache server, all the machines serving Django need to have their clocks as synchronised as possible. Otherwise, invalidations will happen with a latency from one server to another. A difference of even a few seconds can be harmful, so double check this!

To keep your clocks synchronised, use the Network Time Protocol.