Quick start


  • Django 1.6 or 1.7
  • Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, or 3.4
  • a cache configured as 'default' with one of these backends:
    • django-redis
    • memcached (using either python-memcached or pylibmc (but pylibmc is only supported with Django >= 1.7))
    • filebased (only with Django >= 1.7 as it was not thread-safe before)
    • locmem (but it’s not shared between processes, see Limits)
  • one of these databases:
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLite
    • MySQL (but you probably don’t need django-cachalot in this case, see Limits)


  1. pip install django-cachalot
  2. Add 'cachalot', to your INSTALLED_APPS
  3. Be aware of the few limits
  4. If you use django-debug-toolbar, you can add 'cachalot.panels.CachalotPanel', to your DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS
  5. If you need to invalidate all django-cachalot cache keys from an external script – typically after restoring a SQL database –, simply run ./manage.py invalidate_cachalot
  6. Enjoy!



Description:If set to False, disables SQL caching but keeps invalidating to avoid stale cache


Description:Alias of the cache from CACHES used by django-cachalot


Description:If set to True, caches random queries (those with order_by('?'))


Description:If set to False, disables automatic invalidation on raw SQL queries – read Raw SQL queries for more info


Description:Python module path to the function that will be used to generate the cache key of a SQL query


Description:Python module path to the function that will be used to generate the cache key of a SQL table

Dynamic overriding

Django-cachalot is built so that its settings can be dynamically changed. For example:

from django.conf import settings
from django.test.utils import override_settings

with override_settings(CACHALOT_ENABLED=False):
    # SQL queries are not cached in this block

def your_function():
    # What’s in this function uses another cache

# Globally disables SQL caching until you set it back to True
settings.CACHALOT_ENABLED = False


cachalot.signals.post_invalidation is available if you need to do something just after a cache invalidation (when you modify something in a SQL table). sender is the name of the SQL table invalidated, and a keyword argument db_alias explains which database is affected by the invalidation. Be careful when you specify sender, as it is sensible to string type. To be sure, use Model._meta.db_table.


from cachalot.signals import post_invalidation
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.core.mail import mail_admins
from django.contrib.auth import *

# This prints a message to the console after each table invalidation
def invalidation_debug(sender, **kwargs):
    db_alias = kwargs['db_alias']
    print('%s was invalidated in the DB configured as %s'
          % (sender, db_alias))


# Using the `receiver` decorator is just a nicer way
# to write the same thing as `signal.connect`.
# Here we specify `sender` so that the function is executed only if
# the table invalidated is the one specified.
# We also connect it several times to be executed for several senders.
@receiver(post_invalidation, sender=User.groups.through._meta.db_table)
@receiver(post_invalidation, sender=User.user_permissions.through._meta.db_table)
@receiver(post_invalidation, sender=Group.permissions.through._meta.db_table)
def warn_admin(sender, **kwargs):
    mail_admins('User permissions changed',
                'Someone probably gained or lost Django permissions.')