Source code for cachalot.api

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections

from .cache import cachalot_caches
from .utils import _get_table_cache_key, _invalidate_table_cache_keys

__all__ = ('invalidate_tables', 'invalidate_models', 'invalidate_all')

def _aliases_iterator(cache_alias, db_alias):
    cache_aliases = settings.CACHES if cache_alias is None else (cache_alias,)
    db_aliases = settings.DATABASES if db_alias is None else (db_alias,)
    for cache_alias in cache_aliases:
        for db_alias in db_aliases:
            yield cache_alias, db_alias

[docs]def invalidate_tables(tables, cache_alias=None, db_alias=None): """ Clears what was cached by django-cachalot implying one or more SQL tables from ``tables``. If ``cache_alias`` is specified, it only clears the SQL queries stored on this cache, otherwise queries from all caches are cleared. If ``db_alias`` is specified, it only clears the SQL queries executed on this database, otherwise queries from all databases are cleared. :arg tables: SQL tables names :type tables: iterable of strings :arg cache_alias: Alias from the Django ``CACHES`` setting :type cache_alias: string or NoneType :arg db_alias: Alias from the Django ``DATABASES`` setting :type db_alias: string or NoneType :returns: Nothing :rtype: NoneType """ for cache_alias, db_alias in _aliases_iterator(cache_alias, db_alias): table_cache_keys = [_get_table_cache_key(db_alias, t) for t in tables] cache = cachalot_caches.get_cache(cache_alias) _invalidate_table_cache_keys(cache, table_cache_keys)
[docs]def invalidate_models(models, cache_alias=None, db_alias=None): """ Shortcut for ``invalidate_tables`` where you can specify Django models instead of SQL table names. :arg models: Django models :type models: iterable of ``django.db.models.Model`` subclasses :arg cache_alias: Alias from the Django ``CACHES`` setting :type cache_alias: string or NoneType :arg db_alias: Alias from the Django ``DATABASES`` setting :type db_alias: string or NoneType :returns: Nothing :rtype: NoneType """ invalidate_tables([model._meta.db_table for model in models], cache_alias, db_alias)
[docs]def invalidate_all(cache_alias=None, db_alias=None): """ Clears everything that was cached by django-cachalot. If ``cache_alias`` is specified, it only clears the SQL queries stored on this cache, otherwise queries from all caches are cleared. If ``db_alias`` is specified, it only clears the SQL queries executed on this database, otherwise queries from all databases are cleared. :arg cache_alias: Alias from the Django ``CACHES`` setting :type cache_alias: string or NoneType :arg db_alias: Alias from the Django ``DATABASES`` setting :type cache_alias: string or NoneType :returns: Nothing :rtype: NoneType """ for cache_alias, db_alias in _aliases_iterator(cache_alias, db_alias): tables = connections[db_alias].introspection.table_names() table_cache_keys = [_get_table_cache_key(db_alias, t) for t in tables] _invalidate_table_cache_keys(cachalot_caches.get_cache(cache_alias), table_cache_keys)