Source code for cachalot.api

from contextlib import contextmanager

from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections

from .cache import cachalot_caches
from .settings import cachalot_settings
from .signals import post_invalidation
from .transaction import AtomicCache
from .utils import _invalidate_tables

    from asgiref.local import Local
    LOCAL_STORAGE = Local()
except ImportError:
    import threading
    LOCAL_STORAGE = threading.local()

__all__ = ('invalidate', 'get_last_invalidation', 'cachalot_disabled')

def _cache_db_tables_iterator(tables, cache_alias, db_alias):
    no_tables = not tables
    cache_aliases = settings.CACHES if cache_alias is None else (cache_alias,)
    db_aliases = settings.DATABASES if db_alias is None else (db_alias,)
    for db_alias in db_aliases:
        if no_tables:
            tables = connections[db_alias].introspection.table_names()
        if tables:
            for cache_alias in cache_aliases:
                yield cache_alias, db_alias, tables

def _get_tables(tables_or_models):
    for table_or_model in tables_or_models:
        if isinstance(table_or_model, str) and '.' in table_or_model:
                table_or_model = apps.get_model(table_or_model)
            except LookupError:
        yield (table_or_model if isinstance(table_or_model, str)
               else table_or_model._meta.db_table)

[docs]def invalidate(*tables_or_models, **kwargs): """ Clears what was cached by django-cachalot implying one or more SQL tables or models from ``tables_or_models``. If ``tables_or_models`` is not specified, all tables found in the database (including those outside Django) are invalidated. If ``cache_alias`` is specified, it only clears the SQL queries stored on this cache, otherwise queries from all caches are cleared. If ``db_alias`` is specified, it only clears the SQL queries executed on this database, otherwise queries from all databases are cleared. :arg tables_or_models: SQL tables names, models or models lookups (or a combination) :type tables_or_models: tuple of strings or models :arg cache_alias: Alias from the Django ``CACHES`` setting :type cache_alias: string or NoneType :arg db_alias: Alias from the Django ``DATABASES`` setting :type db_alias: string or NoneType :returns: Nothing :rtype: NoneType """ # TODO: Replace with positional arguments when we drop Python 2 support. cache_alias = kwargs.pop('cache_alias', None) db_alias = kwargs.pop('db_alias', None) for k in kwargs: raise TypeError( "invalidate() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % k) send_signal = False invalidated = set() for cache_alias, db_alias, tables in _cache_db_tables_iterator( list(_get_tables(tables_or_models)), cache_alias, db_alias): cache = cachalot_caches.get_cache(cache_alias, db_alias) if not isinstance(cache, AtomicCache): send_signal = True _invalidate_tables(cache, db_alias, tables) invalidated.update(tables) if send_signal: for table in invalidated: post_invalidation.send(table, db_alias=db_alias)
[docs]def get_last_invalidation(*tables_or_models, **kwargs): """ Returns the timestamp of the most recent invalidation of the given ``tables_or_models``. If ``tables_or_models`` is not specified, all tables found in the database (including those outside Django) are used. If ``cache_alias`` is specified, it only fetches invalidations in this cache, otherwise invalidations in all caches are fetched. If ``db_alias`` is specified, it only fetches invalidations for this database, otherwise invalidations for all databases are fetched. :arg tables_or_models: SQL tables names, models or models lookups (or a combination) :type tables_or_models: tuple of strings or models :arg cache_alias: Alias from the Django ``CACHES`` setting :type cache_alias: string or NoneType :arg db_alias: Alias from the Django ``DATABASES`` setting :type db_alias: string or NoneType :returns: The timestamp of the most recent invalidation :rtype: float """ # TODO: Replace with positional arguments when we drop Python 2 support. cache_alias = kwargs.pop('cache_alias', None) db_alias = kwargs.pop('db_alias', None) for k in kwargs: raise TypeError("get_last_invalidation() got an unexpected " "keyword argument '%s'" % k) last_invalidation = 0.0 for cache_alias, db_alias, tables in _cache_db_tables_iterator( list(_get_tables(tables_or_models)), cache_alias, db_alias): get_table_cache_key = cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_TABLE_KEYGEN table_cache_keys = [get_table_cache_key(db_alias, t) for t in tables] invalidations = cachalot_caches.get_cache( cache_alias, db_alias).get_many(table_cache_keys).values() if invalidations: current_last_invalidation = max(invalidations) if current_last_invalidation > last_invalidation: last_invalidation = current_last_invalidation return last_invalidation
[docs]@contextmanager def cachalot_disabled(all_queries=False): """ Context manager for temporarily disabling cachalot. If you evaluate the same queryset a second time, like normally for Django querysets, this will access the variable that saved it in-memory. For example: .. code-block:: python with cachalot_disabled(): qs = Test.objects.filter(blah=blah) # Does a single query to the db list(qs) # Evaluates queryset # Because the qs was evaluated, it's # saved in memory: list(qs) # this does 0 queries. # This does 1 query to the db list(Test.objects.filter(blah=blah)) If you evaluate the queryset outside the context manager, any duplicate query will use the cached result unless an object creation happens in between the original and duplicate query. :arg all_queries: Any query, including already evaluated queries, are re-evaluated. :type all_queries: bool """ was_enabled = getattr(LOCAL_STORAGE, "cachalot_enabled", cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_ENABLED) LOCAL_STORAGE.enabled = False LOCAL_STORAGE.disable_on_all = all_queries yield LOCAL_STORAGE.enabled = was_enabled