Use these tools to interact with django-cachalot, especially if you face raw queries limits or if you need to create a cache key from the last table invalidation timestamp.

cachalot.api.invalidate(*tables_or_models, **kwargs)[source]

Clears what was cached by django-cachalot implying one or more SQL tables or models from tables_or_models. If tables_or_models is not specified, all tables found in the database (including those outside Django) are invalidated.

If cache_alias is specified, it only clears the SQL queries stored on this cache, otherwise queries from all caches are cleared.

If db_alias is specified, it only clears the SQL queries executed on this database, otherwise queries from all databases are cleared.

  • tables_or_models (tuple of strings or models) – SQL tables names, models or models lookups (or a combination)
  • cache_alias (string or NoneType) – Alias from the Django CACHES setting
  • db_alias (string or NoneType) – Alias from the Django DATABASES setting


Return type:


cachalot.api.get_last_invalidation(*tables_or_models, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the timestamp of the most recent invalidation of the given tables_or_models. If tables_or_models is not specified, all tables found in the database (including those outside Django) are used.

If cache_alias is specified, it only fetches invalidations in this cache, otherwise invalidations in all caches are fetched.

If db_alias is specified, it only fetches invalidations for this database, otherwise invalidations for all databases are fetched.

  • tables_or_models (tuple of strings or models) – SQL tables names, models or models lookups (or a combination)
  • cache_alias (string or NoneType) – Alias from the Django CACHES setting
  • db_alias (string or NoneType) – Alias from the Django DATABASES setting

The timestamp of the most recent invalidation

Return type:



Context manager for temporarily disabling cachalot. If you evaluate the same queryset a second time, like normally for Django querysets, this will access the variable that saved it in-memory.

For example:

with cachalot_disabled():
    qs = Test.objects.filter(blah=blah)
    # Does a single query to the db
    list(qs)  # Evaluates queryset
    # Because the qs was evaluated, it's
    # saved in memory:
    list(qs)  # this does 0 queries.
    # This does 1 query to the db

If you evaluate the queryset outside the context manager, any duplicate query will use the cached result unless an object creation happens in between the original and duplicate query.

Parameters:all_queries (bool) – Any query, including already evaluated queries, are re-evaluated.